Min Luo是佐治亚理工学院的兼职研究生教师和独立顾问。 他在完成 30 多年成功的职业生涯后从工业界退休,他曾担任 20 多年的管理职位,包括华为中央研究院、IBM 软件集团和全球服务部以及两家财富 500 强运输公司的首席/执行架构师。 他一直在全球多所大学担任兼职/名誉教授。
他是下一代软件定义网络 (SDN) 和云资源管理、企业架构和信息系统、全生命周期软件应用和产品开发、商业智能和流程优化领域的知名专家。 他是面向服务架构 (SOA)、模型/业务驱动架构和开发 (MDA-D) 以及面向组件/对象技术的先驱和教育家。
- 未来网络系统,特别是智能自适应资源管理和控制;
- 工业应用中的大规模优化问题和系统设计;
- 软件工程,特别是企业级系统模式驱动的架构和设计。
- Presidential Team Award for Contribution to Advanced SDN Solutions for Carriers, Huawei, 2014
- Presidential Team Award for Advances and Contributions in SDN, Huawei, 2013
- IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, 2005
- Heritage Who’s Who among Executives and Professionals, 2004
- IBM Asian Leadership Award, 2003
- Conrail Service Excellence Award, 1998
1.Mark Endrei, Jenny Ang, Ali Arsanjani, Sook, Chua, Philippe Comte, PŒl Krogdahl, Min Luo, Tony Newling, Patterns: Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services, IBM ( ISBN 073845317 X), April 2004
2.Mark Endrei, Min Luo, Margo Pulles, Patterns: Self-Service Application Solutions Using WebSphere 5.0, IBM (ISBN 073842787X), February 2003
60+ on IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, IEEE Transaction on Mobile computing, Journal of Computer Networks, IEEE Communications, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, International Journal of Cloud Computing, China Communications, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications; IEEE INFOCOM, GlobCom, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, IEEE International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC), etc.
1.S. C. Lin, P. Wang, I. F. Akyildiz, and M. Luo, "Towards Optimal Network Planning for Software-Defined Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, March 2018
2.S. C. Lin, P. Wang, I. F. Akyildiz, and M. Luo, “Delay-Based Maximum Power-Weight Scheduling With Heavy-Tailed Traffic”, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, June 2017
3.Min Luo, Li Li, Wu Chou, “ADARM: An Application-Driven Adaptive Resource Management Framework for Data Centers”, 6th IEEE International Conference on AI and Mobile Services, Honolulu, June 2017
4.S. C. Lin, P. Wang, I. F. Akyildiz, and M. Luo, “Throughput-Optimal LIFO Policy for Bounded Delay in the Presence of Heavy-Tailed Traffic,” IEEE GlobeCom, December 2016.
5.Li Li, Min Luo: Connection Minimization in REST API with Random Walks, IEEE/ACM Web Intelligence 2016, Nebraska, USA, October 2016
6.Li Li, Wu Chou, and Min Luo, “A REST Service Framework for RaaS Clouds”, International Journal of Cloud Computing, June 2016
7.Li Li, Min Luo, Wu Chou, "Tree Packing for Elastic Machine Allocation in RaaS Cloud", 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, June 2016
8.Ian F. Akyildiz, Ahyoung Lee, Pu Wang, Min Luo, and Wu Chou, “Research Challenges for Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks”, IEEE Network, May 2016
9.Li Li, Wu Chou, Wei Zhou, and Min Luo, “Design Patterns and Extensibility of REST API for Networking Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, January 2016
10.Shih-Chun Lin, Pu Wang, Min Luo, " Control Traffic Balancing in Software Defined Networks", Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier, September 2015
11.David M. Gutierrez-Estevez, Min Luo, " Multi-resource Schedulable Unit for Adaptive Application-driven Unified Resource Management in Data Centers", IEEE International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC) 2015, November 2015, Sydney, Australia
13.Min Luo, Xiaorong Wu , Yulong Zeng, Jianfei Li, Ke Lin, Bo Man, and Wu Chou, “Multi-dimensional In-Memory Distributed Hashing Mechanism for Fast Network Information Processing in SDN”, the 9-th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), July 2015
14.Min Luo, Quancai Li, Man Bo, Ke Lin, Xiaorong Wu , Chenji Li, Sheng Lu , Wu Chou, “Design and Implementation of a Scalable SDN-Openflow Controller Cluster”, the Fifth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (InfoComp), June 2015, Brussels, Belgium
15.Min Luo, Yulong Zeng, Jianfei Li, Wu Chou, “An Adaptive Multi-path Computation Framework for Centrally Controlled Networks”, Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier, February 2015
16.Cing-Yu Chu, Kang Xi, Min Luo, H. Jonathan Chao, “Congestion-Aware Single Link Failure Recovery in Hybrid SDN Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM 2015, Hong Kong, April 2015.
17.Weisheng Xie, Changcheng Huang, Min Luo, Wu Chou, “Network Virtualization with Dynamic Resource Pooling and Trading Mechanism”, GlobeCom 2014 - Next Generation Networking Symposium ('GC14 NGN'), December 8-12, 2014, Austin, Texas
18.Weisheng Xie, Jiafeng Zhu, Changcheng Huang, Min Luo, Wu Chou, “Dynamic Resource Pooling and Trading Mechanism in Flexible-Grid Optical Network Virtualization”, the Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, October 8 - 10, 2014, Luxembourg
19.Ian F. Akyildiz, Ahyoung Lee, Pu Wang, Min Luo, and Wu Chou,“A Roadmap for Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks”, Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier, October 2014 (electronic version available July 2014)20.
21.Yuanjun Cai, Bin Wu, Xinwei Zhang, Min Luo, Jinzhao Su, “Flow Identification and Characteristics Mining from Internet Traffic with Hadoop”, 2014 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), July 7-9, 2014, Jeju Island, South Korea
22.Changcheng Huang, Jiafeng Zhu, Min Luo, Wu Chou, “A New mechanism for SDN network virtualization service”, the 5th International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies & Proceedings of IEEE SaCoNeT 2014
23.Junjie Zhang, Kang Xi, Min Luo, H. Jonathan Chao, “Load Balancing for Multiple Traffic Matrices Using SDN Hybrid Routing” , 2014 IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing, Hong Kong, May 2014
24.Junjie Zhang, Kang Xi, Min Luo, H. Jonathan Chao, “Dynamic Hybrid Routing: Achieve Load Balancing for Changing Traffic Demands”, 2014 IEEE/ACM International Symposium for Quality of Services (IWQoS), May 2014
25.Wei Zhou, Li Li, Min Luo, Wu Chou, "REST API Design Patterns for SDN Northbound API", The 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2014), Victoria, BC, Canada, May 13-16, 2014
26.Yonghong Fu, Jun Bi, Jianping Wu, Ze Cheng, Ke Wang, Min Luo, “A Dormant Multi-Controller Model for Software Defined Networking”, China Communications, March 2014
20+ US and internationally granted patents
1.W Chou, M Luo, K Lin, US Patent 8982727, System and apparatus of generalized network controller for a software defined network (SDN)
2.M Luo, Y Tian, Q Li, J Wang, US 9065768, Apparatus for a high performance and highly available multi-controllers in a single SDN/OpenFlow network
3.W Chou, M Luo, L Li, US Patent 9106515, System and apparatus of a software-service-defined-network (SSDN)
4.M Luo, HJ Chao, W Chou, J Zhang, K Xi, US Patent 9503374, Apparatus for hybrid routing in SDN networks to avoid congestion and achieve good load balancing under fluctuating traffic
5.J Zhu, W Xie, C Huang, M Luo, W Chou, US Patent 9621313, Hardware and software methodologies for dynamic resource allocation in virtualized flexible-grid optical networks
6.M Luo, J Zhang, K Xi, HJO Chao, US Patent 9680665, Apparatus and method for dynamic hybrid routing in SDN networks to avoid congestion and balance loads under changing traffic load
7.M Luo, J Wang, X Zheng, US Patent 9729425, Transformation and unified control of hybrid networks composed of OpenFlow switches and other programmable switches
8.J Wang, M Luo, US Patent 9923831, Packet Prioritization in a Software-Defined Network Implementing OpenFlow
9.J Zhu, C Huang, M Luo, W Chou, US Patent US9967181B2, Packet labeling in a virtual network
10.M Luo, SC Lin, IF Akyildiz, US Patent 10091093B2, Multi-controller control traffic balancing in software defined networks
11.M Luo, C.Y. Chu, K. Xi, J.H. Chao, US10158559B2, Capacity-Aware Heuristic Approach for Placing Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Switches in Hybrid SDN Networks for Single Link/Node Failure
12.M Luo, DG Estevez, J Zhu, US Patent 10129101B2, Application Driven and Adaptive Unified Resource Management For Data Centers with Multi-Resource Schedulable Unit (MRSU)